From ‘Bheinn Naomh’ by Kathleen Raine, Chinese ink and graphite on Chinese paper, 45 x 30 cm, £750 $1000
Entries are coming in for the Stanford University Calligraphy Collection, so if you’re a calligrapher or hand letterer at the top of your game, don’t miss out on being part of this amazing new collection of the best of the world’s calligraphy (in the western alphabet style – at the moment!). You can apply here. The latest work that’s been received has been from UK artist and calligrapher Susie Leiper. Her style is free, creative and precise, and her work has an energy and vitality to it as can be seen here.
Dry lightning
From ‘Demons and Men’ by Robert Bringhurst
Ink and resist on Chinese paper, 30 x 17.5 cm
Susie makes the most delightful books, full of invention and surprise. Here the use of colour, shapes and lettering are not only fascinating and intriguing but beautifully executed.
Vision of a city
Text from Ezekiel 40 – 48, King James Bible
Artist book: oil, graphite and casein paint on card; silk covers,
21 x 9 cm closed
And then this is:
A sense sublime
From ‘Tintern Abbey’ by William Wordsworth
Oil, casein paint and ink on board, 66 x 67 cm
It is wonderful that supreme artists such as Susie are part of this incredible Collection and the plan is that all will be online. But, again, if you’re at Susie’s standard, make sure you don’t miss out in being included.