Tag Archives: Decorated Alphabet.

More Sheila Waters’ prints

50mbroundel-copy-2PLEASE NOTE: I am no longer selling these prints but have left up this post for interest.

This is Sheila’s wonderful Roundel of the Seasons. This is a tour-de-force of subtle colour change and inspirational strong and delicate calligraphy.




sw-decoratedalphabet-copy-2This intricate alphabet comes in green and pink. Notice how detailed the decoration is.







sw-music-copy-copyThis strong black and white piece with a musical text is very much in harmony.





sw-whatisman-copy-2This dramatic piece really packs a punch – it is a masterclass in contrast.







sw-donotstand-copy-2A delicate piece but powerful piece.








sw-forman-copyAnother wonderful dancing black and white artwork.






sw-sonnet-1-copy-3The last one shows Sheila’s terrific sense of colour, with a dancing delicate script.