Tag Archives: Ronnie Cruwys

Drawing the street

Drawing the Street image 1A wonderful new exhibition in Newcastle-under-Lyme library is on show only until November 30th, 2013 but is well worth making the effort to get there if you can. It shows a drawn record of the buildings on the streets mainly in and around Newcastle-under-Lyme.


Drawing the street image 2Conservation Architect Ronnie Cruwys, whose exhibition it is, is a fantastic draughtswoman and she is applying her incredible skills to record the buildings in the streets so that the amazing range and mix of buildings that we may well pass every day and not give them a second’s thought are shown. By doing this, Ronnie is making a record for the future.

Drawing the street image 2She has a great eye for detail, and includes passersby and pets on occasion to bring the drawings to life and give them a scale. Some of the buildings in the drawings she has made have already made way for replacements, and these are rarely as charming as their predecessors!


The exhibition has had rave reviews:

So impressed by the magnitude and detail of the whole project – your talent is amazing! What a wonderful way to open our eyes to the buildings around. 

Fantastic detailing, great use of colour makes the town look like a place you’d like to shop in (what a pity it isn’t). Spread your wings, other streets, a focus on certain buildings (pubs might be popular) maybe these pics could inspire great things in Newcastle!

Absolutely beautiful – keep up the good work. Great historical pictures (for our future children)! 

Your drawings are amazing, taking care of the tiny details made the drawings look as if they are documenting the streets very well, also the scale and dimensions are very true.

There are also prints and postcards available. These are all on Ronnie’s website, but seeing the real deal in person is so much better!